How to punch a boxing bag properly: tutorial

Ah, boxing, what a fantastic sport! So, are you ready for the punching bag adventure? Wait, I can see you coming: "But how do I hit this thing without hurting myself? Don't panic, young boxing padawan, I'm here to guide you.

OK, let's talk about how to punch properly in a boxing bag. But first, a little essential advice: gloves. There's no way you're going to hit that bag with your bare hands. What's wrong with that? Well, unless you're a superhero (and if you are, hats off to you!), punching without protection is guaranteed to hurt.

So hang on, I'm going to give you all the tips you need to become an ace at punching bag. We'll be talking about good posture, striking technique and, of course, protection. And we're off!

How do you train with a punching bag?

Hey mate! So you want to become a punching bag pro? Great choice! But before you get started, let me give you a few tips. Let's go for a memorable punching session!

See also: how to choose a punching bag

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1. Warm up before you start

First step, and not the least: the warm-up. "Why?" you ask. Well, it's simple: to prepare your body for action and avoid injury. Start slowly, with a few minutes of jogging on the spot or of skipping rope. Then it's time to stretch: arms, legs, back, everything! A good warm-up is the key to successful training.

2. Cardio training sessions to burn off as many calories as possible

Do you want to work up a sweat and burn off as many calories as possible? Then it's time for some cardio! Hitting a bag isn't just about hitting hard, it's also about getting your heart pumping. That's why you need to alternate between fast, intense hitting sequences and calmer moments. You'll see, your breath will improve and the calories will melt like snow in the sun!

3. Explosive workouts to work on your power

Now, if power is your thing, we're moving up a gear: explosive training. Now's the time to show what you can do. Hit hard, hit fast. Imagine you're a superhero fighting a villain. It's time to unleash all that energy! You'll feel your muscles working, and your strength increasing with each blow.

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03/09/2025 03:08 pm GMT

4. Workouts for lightning speed

And if you want to be fast and agile, here's the challenge: special speed workouts. The aim? Hit the bag as fast as you can, with a succession of shots. Work your legs, move around the bag and be unpredictable. You'll develop incredible speed, and soon you'll be as fast as lightning!

Now you've got all you need to become an ace with the punching bag. Now put on your gloves and show that bag what you can do!

rustic punching bag

General advice on how to excel at punching bags

So, are you ready to let off some steam on the punching bag? Hang on, I've got some golden tips for you. Follow them, and you'll be king of the ring in no time!

1. Do not push the bag

First of all, the most important thing: don't push the bag. Yes, I know, it can be tempting, but by doing so, you're cheating a bit. Hit the bag, don't push it. Imagine that you want to put all your strength into your shots, not just move it. That's the secret of good hitting!

2. Maintain your balance

Balance is the key. If you throw yourself at the bag like a fury, you'll end up losing your balance and, bang, on the floor. You don't want that, do you? So always keep a stable posture, with your feet firmly planted on the ground. That's what boxing is all about: self-control.

3. Move away after attacking

After each strike, take a small step backwards or to the side. Why do you do this? To simulate a real fight. In boxing, you don't stick to your opponent after an attack. No, you step back, preparing yourself for the next move. It's a good reflex to have.

4. At the moment of punching, stop

This is the crucial moment: the impact. As your fist meets the bag, stop your movement abruptly. This will increase the power of your blow and give you better control. Basically, you strike hard and accurately, then stop short. Sounds simple, but it takes practice.

5. No breaks!

No dead time! Practise your strokes without pausing. That's how you'll improve your physical condition and your technique. Of course, take short breaks between rounds, but during the action, it's non-stop.

6. Good breathing

Finally, don't forget to breathe. Yes, it sounds obvious, but a lot of people hold their breath when they strike. Breathe in as you prepare to strike, and breathe out as you strike. Good breathing is essential to keep you energised and calm.

Come on, now you've got all this advice, show that bag who's boss! And above all, have fun, that's the most important thing.

Tips for punching with a punching bag

Punching is a science! Follow these tips and you'll become a real punching artist. Are you ready? Let's go and turn your fists into real punching machines!

1. Slamming punches

For punches that pop, it's all about technique. It's not just the strength, but the way you strike. You want your punch to be sharp and precise. Imagine punching through the bag, not just hitting the surface. And that little pop you hear when you hit it right? That's the music of champions, my friend!

2. Fluid punches

Now let's talk about fluidity. Your punches shouldn't be jerky or clumsy. No, they should flow like water. And how do they do that? By concentrating on your movement, from shoulder to fist. Everything should be in harmony. And don't forget to keep your wrists straight to avoid injury. Fluidity and control, that's the secret.


And that's it! With these tips, you're ready to wreak havoc (safely, of course) on your punching bag. Remember, the key is practice. The more you practise, the better you get. So get those gloves on, and show that bag what you can do. And above all, don't forget to have fun, because boxing is first and foremost a game. Good luck, champ!

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